Donations for World Food Day

It’s World Food Day!

World Food Day is held annually on October 16th and commemorates the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1945. For the occasion, our students spent the day learning about the importance of a well-balanced and environmentally sustainable diet, and FAO’s commitment to ending world hunger.

But our contribution to World Food Day and FAO’s mission does not end here. From Monday 16th to Friday 20th October, families and students can donate a shoe box with dried foods and essentials which will go towards helping people in need. A range of dried or canned food can be donated such as pasta, rice, sauces, canned fruit and vegetables, canned meat or fish, oil and baby foods.

All donations will go to Banco Alimentare Lazio, which will distribute the food to local people in need. If you wish to learn more about Banco Alimentare del Lazio, click here.

On the first day of our campaign we have already received lots of products, and we are sure more will come in the next days. We are so proud of our community!

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